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When Tom Landry left, the Cowboys lost their class


As a young girl, growing up "Texas", it didn't take very long for me to understand two major rules in my house

Rule #1 Football comes first.

Rule #2 You damn well better be cheering for the Dallas Cowboys

Sundays, after church, on a Cowboys game day meant a full house of grown men (with my grandfather leading the pack), slamming cold Schlitz beers with their eyes glued to our then 21 inch television screen.

I used to wonder if they actually believed the Cowboys could somehow hear their cheering and chanting or even their obscenities at times. I do know that my love for football began right here, in these very moments.

The Dallas Cowboys were what every kid (including myself) wanted to be when they grew up. They were everything we wanted a football team to be. The combination of many incredible players such as Roger Staubach (manstud) and Randy White equaled our All American Team. We loved the Cowboys when they lost the game. We loved the Cowboys when they won the game. And with the incredible leadership of Tom Landry, glory days turned into many years for the Cowboys. I worshiped them then.

Everything really changed for the Cowboys in the early 90's after Jerry Jones bought the team. The basic principles that Tom Landry so impressed upon his players, personally and professionally, quickly faded once Jimmy Johnson took over as coach. Many players have come and gone since and now Bill Parcells runs the big show. Sure they have had some successes but nothing like the success Tom Landry brought to them. The bottom line is this: When we hear about the Cowboys in the news today, we don't hear "All American" headlines anymore. And I don't delude myself expecting it all to be exactly like it was back then. Hell, nothing is. I do expect the Cowboys to give fans something...anything to be proud of again. I can't help to want that glory back that I remember as a young girl, can you? Do it for me, boys. Do it for yourselves. Or better yet..make Tom feel it again. Do it for him.

Til' next time...thats the juice and I am out of here.

posted by Chick8:07 PM Permalink

Oh when the Saints go marchin' in...


At last...the long awaited homecoming for the New Orleans Saints. Thirteen months since they have played a home game, and now to be back in New Orleans in the Superdome with literally thousands of fans supporting this very moment. And I think about this and here is what I come up with. I can sympathize with the fact that this may be what the city needs..some hope for the city..something to celebrate. But then I get real. What is there to celebrate? Just a few hundred feet away are thousands of homes still in decay and ruin since Hurrican Katrina. Half the businesses and restaurants in the city are still closed for repairs from the damage. Meanwhile $185 million has been spent to renovate the Dome simply to a mere bearable state. And how can the Saints expect support from the business community when in fact, the future of the community is still so unclear. So it's really hard for me to imagine that one big football party at the Dome with one big win from the Saints is going to change all that. I assure you it won't.

I had the opportunity today to ask some people at my office what they thought the outcome of tonight's game would be. "What's your opinion..Saints or Falcons ?" I asked them. Seven of the ten answered Falcons without hesitation. In contrast, the three that claimed the Saints would be the victor, all had something extra to offer. "They deserve to win..more than ever." one said. My girlfriend Lisa's family was also affected by Katrina and so her heart was with the Saints winning as well, hoping a win would give the city a much needed gleam of hope. Finally, I was instant messaging a young girl I work with, Mindy, and asked what her gut feeling was of tonight's outcome between the two teams. She said "Saints" then quickly sent back another message that read.."But please don't listen to me..I don't really know football." She must have read my mind because I was just in the process of asking her why she had picked them at all when I received "I picked them because of their name." Normally..this would make me cringe because ALL chicks, in my opinion, should know football. But I thought about her answer and the very simpleness of it..and I realized she had the right idea. The reality is that even the mere thought of Saints bring peace. Saints do bring hope. Saints are responsible for miracles. Saints watch over us. And so with their win tonight, I do hope that New Orleans and their Saints find some peace and that with each new day..there is fresh hope.

Til next time..thats the juice and I am out of here.

posted by Chick7:05 PM Permalink

Da Bears


January 26 1986. Superbowl XX. I remember it like it was yesterday. Refrigerator Perry, The Super Bowl Shuffle, Jim Mcmahon. My boy, Mike Ditka led the Chicago Bears in a 46-10 victory over the New England Patriots. The feel of that win. We all wanted it. Hell, with the Bears going 15-1 in their regular season (losing only to Miami) they deserved it. The Patriots on the other hand were not unlike a Cinderella story...
lucky to be making it to the Superbowl at all. They somehow managed to qualify as the AFC second wild card. Not only did they go on to beat the Jets and the Raiders (on the road!) but the biggest shocker came from their win over Miami because as we all know, Miami was the ONLY team to have beaten the Bears all season long. And although the Patriots were the first to score that January day, it didn't take the Bears very long to take control of the game and take their victory. So Cinderella packed it up and left the ball. Since then, in only the deepest irony, Chicago Bears have yet to come back to the Superbowl. The Cinderella Patriots? Back four times taking three wins. So yes..The Bears are 3-0 so far..and yes..the Bears are on top of their game (mind you, if Rex Grossman can finish off the year) The Patriots? 2-1. I am anxious to see who goes home this year leaving their glass slipper behind.

Okay..just one more smidge of history tonight which actually goes hand in hand with my personal football manstud award. After last season leaving him completely exhausted, dissappointed, and wondering if he would even come back for another season, Brett Favre made a little history today joining Hall of Famer, Dan Marino (yet another manstud) as the only QB's to throw 400 Touchdown passes in their careers. Life is good, isn't it Brett?

I love Sundays. And I don't just love it for the the peaceful morning hours with a cup of coffee in hand..I love it for the football.

Til next time..that's the juice and I am out of here.

posted by Chick7:55 PM Permalink

Evolution of the Gamer


On the first day..God created man..he watched the men as they scratched themselves with nothing to do..and God looked at his creation and thought "This isn't bad."

On the second day..God created television..he watched the men in awe of the big new box as they were fumbling over the handheld remote..and God looked at his creation and thought "This is okay."

On the third day..God created ESPN..he watched as the men became completely mesmerized by the tv screen as they watched football and baseball for hours on end..and God looked at his creation and thought "This is good."

On the fourth day..God created a home computer and he gave the men Yahoo Sports and ESPN online..he watched as the men searched for sports news and kept up with their favorite players..and God looked at his creation and thought "This is pretty good."

On the fifth day..God created Play Station and Nintendo and gave the men Madden games..he watched as the men took turns playing virtual ballgames and yell at the screen.. and God looked at his creation and thought "This is very good."

On the sixth day..God created a Fantasy Sports League..he watched the men become managers, create fantasy teams, check stats, make trades and have fun..and God looked at his creation and thought "This is really good."

On the seventh day..God created woman..he watched her make a snack, log into the computer, create a team for her fantasy league, scratch her butt, park it on the couch, watch a football game on the tube and blow all the men out of the water with her sports knowledge .. and God looked at his creation and thought "Now THIS is awesome!" (step aside men)

posted by Chick7:51 PM Permalink

New York Mets.. "Amazin" again.


Look. Not for 18 years have the New York Mets seen the NL East title. Repeat after me..E-I-G-H-T-E-E-N years. But the New York Mets did just that winning over the Florida Marlins tonight 4-0. Then to add to their euphoria, to be able to take this at home in Shea Stadium, left all the boys on the team feeling goosebumpy all over. (or was that me?). Anyway, let's talk about the boys. First up, my two Carlos'..Beltran and Delgado..the powerhouses behind the team. I should tell you that Delgado and I are tight and experienced a full season of fantasies together. (in my fantasy baseball team of course..what were you thinking??) Then we have David Wright who has had himself a monster, action packed year. And "Captain Red Ass" Paul Lo Duca managed to keep the best batting average on the team, despite his own private scandals (New York Post - page 8). That being said, I have to tell you, my own personal baseball manstud of the night was Jose Valentin, who lit my fire bringing in his two homers.

And hey..Don't forget to factor this in for good measure. Not for 11 straight years has ANYONE besides the Atlanta Braves taken the NL East Division. Repeat after me..E-L-E-V-E-N years. This leaves poor nemy, Atlanta Braves, virtually eliminated from the playoffs (step away from the tomahawk).

Me? I want to see this one through. With my Texas Rangers not likely to get within breathing distance of the playoffs (Damn Rangers!), I could easily see myself chasing the World Series dream with the Mets. And with the possibilty there to recreate a 2000 World Series against the dreaded New York Yankees, why it'd be worth the ride. Because for me..there just isn't a better feeling then teaching those Yankee boys a lesson much like the Red Sox did in 2004. That it is not about the money. That it is not about the sponsors. It is not about the stripes on the uniform. It's about the game. It's about the fans. It's about who can taste the win more. (or maybe it's about which team has the hottest guys..hmmm)

Til next time...that's the juice and I am out of here.

posted by Chick7:58 PM Permalink

Are Cowboys in season?


Football season is HERE! Now to the nostalgic me, that also means the ballpark in Arlington is on hold again until next April and that Michael Young and Gary Matthews Jr. will have to wait until after spring training next year to hear me belting out their names at the TOP of my lungs each time they step up to the plate. But I do have my buddies Peyton Manning (and his cute brother Eli), Rudi Johnson and Brett Favre (YES..I still have hope), to keep me busy until then.

It was the Cowboys against their nemy, the Redskins tonite. After losing to the Jaguars by 7 last week the Cowboys needed this win. Granted..Its the beginning of the season, but Drew needed to step up to this game for the meer sake of redemption.
That deep 40 yd. pass to Terry Glenn in the third was sweet (sheer luck) bringing the score 24-10. But, I have to say.. the REAL hero today and my own personal football manstud was Mr. Mike Vanderjagt (Peyton, he means nothing to me!). After dealing with groin "issues" pre-season, nailing that 50 yard goal not only secured the win for the Cowboys tonight, but secured Vanderjagt's ..umm.. manhood as well. Speaking of manhood, Terrell Owens broke his finger (Am I the only one laughing?) Luckily he has a bye week for mommy to kiss it and make it better before the Cowboys return October 1st at Tenessee to play the Titans.

Ok..Next.. Colts 43 Texans 24. Need I say more? Peyton Manning rocks. Always has, always will. I mean, who doesn't like seeing him wave his arms around and take the play clock down every time. You love it. ADMIT IT! (hmmm..maybe it's just me.) Anyway, Vinatieri also lit my fire with 3 beautiful field goals. The rest, as they say, is kizmit. And let's be honest, The Houston Texans haven't really been around the block yet. Let's face it, they're just learning how to cross the street. The Colts? Simply unstoppable. (Until the playoffs)

Til next time...Thats the juice and I am out of here.

posted by Chick9:25 PM Permalink

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