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Oh when the Saints go marchin' in...


At last...the long awaited homecoming for the New Orleans Saints. Thirteen months since they have played a home game, and now to be back in New Orleans in the Superdome with literally thousands of fans supporting this very moment. And I think about this and here is what I come up with. I can sympathize with the fact that this may be what the city needs..some hope for the city..something to celebrate. But then I get real. What is there to celebrate? Just a few hundred feet away are thousands of homes still in decay and ruin since Hurrican Katrina. Half the businesses and restaurants in the city are still closed for repairs from the damage. Meanwhile $185 million has been spent to renovate the Dome simply to a mere bearable state. And how can the Saints expect support from the business community when in fact, the future of the community is still so unclear. So it's really hard for me to imagine that one big football party at the Dome with one big win from the Saints is going to change all that. I assure you it won't.

I had the opportunity today to ask some people at my office what they thought the outcome of tonight's game would be. "What's your opinion..Saints or Falcons ?" I asked them. Seven of the ten answered Falcons without hesitation. In contrast, the three that claimed the Saints would be the victor, all had something extra to offer. "They deserve to win..more than ever." one said. My girlfriend Lisa's family was also affected by Katrina and so her heart was with the Saints winning as well, hoping a win would give the city a much needed gleam of hope. Finally, I was instant messaging a young girl I work with, Mindy, and asked what her gut feeling was of tonight's outcome between the two teams. She said "Saints" then quickly sent back another message that read.."But please don't listen to me..I don't really know football." She must have read my mind because I was just in the process of asking her why she had picked them at all when I received "I picked them because of their name." Normally..this would make me cringe because ALL chicks, in my opinion, should know football. But I thought about her answer and the very simpleness of it..and I realized she had the right idea. The reality is that even the mere thought of Saints bring peace. Saints do bring hope. Saints are responsible for miracles. Saints watch over us. And so with their win tonight, I do hope that New Orleans and their Saints find some peace and that with each new day..there is fresh hope.

Til next time..thats the juice and I am out of here.

posted by Chick7:05 PM Permalink


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