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Gime Some of That


You know..I go into each football season believing just one thing. That this is the year for the Colts. The year Peyton Manning will be at the utmost perfection. The year he will take the team into Superbowl stardom. I know what you're thinking and it's not because Peyton is my favorite football manstud. It's because the Colts are due. It is their time. I am ready. And just when I have a glimmer of hope that they too could be ready, I witness a game like the one Sunday versus the Titans while having my own demonic version of a Linda Blair fit in my living room because we are losing..well..to losers..and I think "WTF?". We just barely skimmed that win..nothing more than a fluke. How can we possibly be champions without consistency?

Then there's the Bears. I haven't been a fan of theirs for a very long time...possibly since 1986.
But I cannot help to be mesmerized this year by them..by their defense..by their unstoppable attitude. Watching Rex Grossman lead the pack of Bears to slaughter the Bills in yesterday's flawless game was a thing of beauty. They are consistent. I witnessed perfection.

No doubt that when you see their perfect 5-0 standings, the Bears and the Colts are both winners. But the Bears this season reek of "WIN or DIE trying". And I gotta tell you man..I love that smell. You've been there. You know the feeling..the one you get when you're watching something magical unfold? Fasten your seatbelts boys and mark my words..History is about to repeat itself.

Til' next time..that's the juice and I am out of here.

posted by Chick12:11 PM Permalink

From Baseball to BS


I had every intention on talking baseball playoffs this morning. I wanted to talk about how the Tigers could’ve possibly blown it. How they remained in first place for 183 days, and then lost to the Royals, of all teams, which sent them on the road playing off against the Yankees in the ‘House of Pain’ instead of staying home like the Twins playing the A’s. I wanted to talk about how all the Astros needed to do was win one more game to create a shakier playoff future for the Cardinals but how instead, their loss sent the Cardinals on the road playing off against the Padres. I wanted to talk about how much I hate the Yankees and how much I already miss the Rangers. I wanted to talk about how I giggled when I found out this morning that Joe Torre bumped A.Rod to 6th in the line up right at playoff time quickly showing the $252 million dollar man who’s in charge. I wanted to talk about the loss of Dusty Baker as manager to the Cubs after finishing with the worst record in the National League at 66-96. Like I said, I really wanted to talk baseball. But I read something disturbing this morning and frankly as much as I even hate to get into T.O. even the teensiest bit, I have got to get this out of my system. I read the following in USA Today and it is titled 'Race a Factor'.

"Successful, visible, black men are always a visible target in this free country. Since the media can’t take his success away, they will do anything to discredit him. I’ve seen it to often. If it were Brett Favre instead of T.O. in the present situation, the attitude would be sympathetic and supportive. ‘White is right’ is still alive in America. Deny it all you like. We know the truth.”

This was written by Landry Smith from Atlanta. I have something to say to Landry. Are you just stupid? (rhetorically speaking,of course). I will agree that the media did jump the gun on this story. But let me tell you something. T.O., just like any other human being in this country, is responsible for his own actions. I know it is hard for you to imagine, but they taught us this in kindergarten. He is equally responsible for making his own decisions (okay, maybe his momma is), as well as his time in the spotlight. HE wanted to be famous, remember? Also, I want to know who this “we” is you speak of. Do you mean African Americans? Or did you and T.O. have a vicodin together and discuss this? I suppose Haynesworth is also a visible black target for all us free white people, huh? Even though he stomped on Gurode’s head (on PURPOSE) and sent him to the ER for 30 sweet stitches, we are trying to discredit him aren’t we? And from what your saying, that if Brett Favre had done the same thing, we (white people) would actually all be giving him high fives? Next time you write something, think it through before you start throwing out race cards and copouts. Give us something intelligent and worth reading. This one’s been played before, so do me a favor Landry. Go sell crazy some place else. We’re all full here.

Til’ next time..that’s the juice and I am out of here.

posted by Chick11:32 AM Permalink

A League of My Own


I know I touched a few hearts (sob,sigh) in my previous post 'The Evolution of the Gamer'. Anyway bigshots..this should have been your first clue that I am in a Fantasy Sports League. I was invited this year, for the first time ever, to play in a fantasy baseball league dubbed 'Ticketheads'. I made every excuse to Oz that I was way too busy to man such a childish extra-curricular activity. And frankly, I just never in hell understood the fascination factor of having a fantasy baseball team. I would watch Oz sign on to Yahoo or ESPN time after time, checking his leagues and rosters..players and stats..waivers and matchups. I mean, who has this kind of time? And what was so damned important it required constant watch? In my opinion, one in a Fantasy Sports League could easily be deemed 'clinically obsessed'. But somehow my arm was twisted and I caved. I was already a baseball fan, how bad could this be? I would like to go ahead and step into the confessional now.

I loved every single minute of it. I loved taking Michael Young (baseball manstud) in the draft and leaving Tex behind. I loved checking my roster daily and figuring out who was "benchworthy". And I learned very quickly that WHIP wasn't just what you do with a very bad boy in bed. But as a chick (and scoring quite low on the patience scale) I wanted instant gratification. If I didn't get it, you were off my team and in came a newbie. And you know what? That was my downfall. I did make some really bad choices (like giving up Brandon Webb in week one), and it was all because I didn't understand the concept of looking down the long road ahead - the WHOLE season - the BIG picture, til it was too late. So after burning my team pretty bad and having way too many losses to even remotely catch up to the big dogs, I gave it up. Mind you I kept up with my line up on occasion, but I knew I was creamed. I learned about Fantasy ball the hard way. In my opinion, that was the only way to learn.

I gotta tell you, I did have much fun calling out some of the boys in the league. I enjoyed posting my rants about women being superior (mainly me). But my most memorable post in the league was telling the Panda (nemy) that I had him bent over in week one on only day two of the matchup. All I could see was that I was up 10-2 and I was winning. And without understanding the "long road ahead theory" quite yet, that was all I needed to make me want to stick it to him (verbally of course). This weekend brought the Panda the championship (Yes..he won the damn thing!) He claims in his latest post that he "shut me up". You're sorta right Panda..I have been quiet in the league since I knew I was done. But you didn't shut me up silly boy. And don't feel bad..not even my Daddy could do that. I am still here..going on and on about anything and everything that's on my mind, sports or otherwise. I will say this: If all season long I was the one obsessed with getting up at two in the morning (while everyone slumbered) to make those critical changes to my team, maybe I would have that trophy (maybe). After all has been said and done, I am still glad I picked Young 3rd in that draft.

Now I find myself back with the Ticketheads in their Fantasy Football League (arm twisted again..that damn Oz). I do hate that I missed Peyton Manning (football manstud) in the draft, but my team is still pretty hot. And honestly, how could I not want to spend the entire football season as I did baseball. Constantly surrounded by a bunch of boys...fantasy or not.

Til' next time..that's the juice and I am out of here.

posted by Chick2:32 PM Permalink

When Tom Landry left, the Cowboys lost their class


As a young girl, growing up "Texas", it didn't take very long for me to understand two major rules in my house

Rule #1 Football comes first.

Rule #2 You damn well better be cheering for the Dallas Cowboys

Sundays, after church, on a Cowboys game day meant a full house of grown men (with my grandfather leading the pack), slamming cold Schlitz beers with their eyes glued to our then 21 inch television screen.

I used to wonder if they actually believed the Cowboys could somehow hear their cheering and chanting or even their obscenities at times. I do know that my love for football began right here, in these very moments.

The Dallas Cowboys were what every kid (including myself) wanted to be when they grew up. They were everything we wanted a football team to be. The combination of many incredible players such as Roger Staubach (manstud) and Randy White equaled our All American Team. We loved the Cowboys when they lost the game. We loved the Cowboys when they won the game. And with the incredible leadership of Tom Landry, glory days turned into many years for the Cowboys. I worshiped them then.

Everything really changed for the Cowboys in the early 90's after Jerry Jones bought the team. The basic principles that Tom Landry so impressed upon his players, personally and professionally, quickly faded once Jimmy Johnson took over as coach. Many players have come and gone since and now Bill Parcells runs the big show. Sure they have had some successes but nothing like the success Tom Landry brought to them. The bottom line is this: When we hear about the Cowboys in the news today, we don't hear "All American" headlines anymore. And I don't delude myself expecting it all to be exactly like it was back then. Hell, nothing is. I do expect the Cowboys to give fans something...anything to be proud of again. I can't help to want that glory back that I remember as a young girl, can you? Do it for me, boys. Do it for yourselves. Or better yet..make Tom feel it again. Do it for him.

Til' next time...thats the juice and I am out of here.

posted by Chick8:07 PM Permalink

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